March-May 2020: A Forecast
Well, wow my loves. This has been an interesting few months! God has been calling me to write to you all, but I’m pretty unclear on what to say, so I’ll get right to what I know, the numbers and the vibe. (Note: this article is a bit long but I encourage you to read it all.)
Everyone is feeling the 40/4 energy mentioned in The Vibe 2020 post (if you haven’t read it, Read it.). No matter what comes next we will all be changed by the end of this. The only way to get through this time, my loves, is to dig deeper into ourselves, and let go of everything we ‘know’. Facts will not free us. March is the 3rd month of the year, which brought up a lot of new creation, ideas and change. It’s also asked, “How can you shift the perspective in your situation?” This again involves the call on Grace. It is the only thing that will safely get us through this time without going all the way crazy. We have to surrender what we think we know and call on the power of life.
March - Month 3:
The third (3) month of 2020 (March), holds the number of creation, creativity, ideas, new beginnings, spark, and balance in creation. The coronavirus has definitely been the spark that has taken us into a world of change many have never experienced. It has quickly ignited a new way of being in a short period of time. We are also watching nature spring to life, and in some places, this is supported by humanity getting out of its way.
People often make the mistake of thinking that all creation is shiny and beautiful. Life comes from a spark in the void and birthing has a myriad of emotions attached. One of my favorite spiritual teachers, Paramahansa Yogananda, stated," Creation is light and shadow both, else no picture is possible.” We need these dualities in order to create new life. We are watching the behaviors of the earth shift and grow out of this dark experience.
April - Month 4:
In the fourth (4) month of the year (April), we’ll watched our foundations rumble. We’ve been called to ask ourselves, what really matters? What is benefiting us? What needs to be pulled up at the roots so that our foundation can be stronger? Have we placed our power in the wrong things? April is a 4 month in a 4 year, so naturally we’ll see big swings happening across the board, and really recognizing where the broken aspects of our foundation lie for our nations and as a global community.
Those double 4s are really addressing our power (4+4=8) and how we’re using it. As I stated in the 2020 vibe post, we can not build on a weak foundation, and countries around the world are realizing just how strong there’s actually are. These realizations can prove beneficial in the future if we use the information wisely.
May - Month 5:
As we move into the energy of the 5th month (May) many of us, especially in the Western world, will see a lot of ungrounded change. Quick change decision making without introspection (that is the 5 energy when operating in the negative) will be the downfall for some. The number 5 comes in to balance the scales. 5 is the balancer, it will bring in the aspects of Earth and sky, and it can often seem a bit like chaos as humanity finds its footing. The universe uses 5 to move energy for humanity (our five fingers and toes on each hand are used to, move, grasp, mold, hold and create form and life). The big things to assess at this time are: “What things are ungrounded in me that need to be moved or healed? Who or what is speaking in my life - meaning- are my behaviors coming from my true nature of strength, power and divinity, or are they birthed from old patterns of fear, judgement and shame? This is the time to unravel those fears, to break free from the chains of ancestral and life patterns that have hindered you. The sweet spark of creative change is here to support this growth.
I encourage you to use this time to buckle into yourself. Some of us are being shaken to our core, but know that you aren’t alone, and the balance will come.
For some of you, this is the most time you’ve spent with your family in years! How will you use it to create a new flow of love and community? For others, you will now need to depend on people in a way you never have, or thought you would need to: how will you use this time to surrender and be in gratitude? What will come forth from you now that your life has been turned around and some of you have so much alone time with yourselves? This is the time to gather ideas, and sparks of light to carry with you in the coming months. ‘
Again, as I said in the Vibe forecast for 2020, this is the year of BIG foundational shifting. We can not control what happens on the outside, but we can monitor, and have compassion for what happens on the inside. Remember, you are here in a very momentous time.
We are moving into a 4 month of our 40/4 year, so I will say that April is going to bring BIG change. This is going to be the crux of a lot of inner and outer change for many of us, but my sweets this does not mean to fear. Again, fear doesn’t bring us to solution, if anything, it blocks us from it.
What will be will be, and regardless of what is happening on the planet or why, the truth is, God can make use of even the most challenging situations. Out of bad can come so much good, and you may just be the catalyst.
So feel your feelings and then keep it moving. You are not here to be stunted by possibility or weighed down by media spins! Now is the time to be in the moment and move accordingly.
So, beloved, here are my recommendations for us going forward:
Prepare - Do what you need to do and gather what you need to feel comfortable.
Surrender - ‘After you’ve done all you can, you just stand.’ Remember, that this is out of your control, you are a tiny (but significant) piece in the huge universal puzzle. The media, is unfortunately, now more used to create fear and distraction than provide actual information. So stay abreast of what’s happening, but limit your intake of this poison. Don’t feed fear.
Spend time social distancing in nature. Go on walks, meditate, pray, dance, laugh, group chat. As many of my students have heard me say a million times, you are nature, and it is you. You’ve been separate for so long that you have forgotten your connection.
Now you’re re-membering.
So pray, speak to the universe (God, Holy Spirit, Oludamare, it is known by many names.) because it hears you, just like it hears the whispers of the trees. It doesn’t always answer in your time, but it will answer at the right time.
Let go of worry as best you can, Surrender.
Grace - Call on grace. You will come to many confusing points where you won’t know what in the world to do. Don’t fear, just call on Grace, you are there for a reason and no matter what is meant to be, when you call on grace you will either know the best next move, or be given the power to sit in the truth of what will be.
Be still. - Take some time in stillness, get away from the devices. Take a walk, sit in meditation, pray.
Love - Remind your friends and family that you love them. I think this should be done all the time anyway, but over the next few weeks people might need to hear it more than you know.
Extra Credit: Do one kind thing. You can do this everyday or once a week, but do one kind thing. It could be as simple as sending a kind message to a friend, saying something kind to someone on social media, giving away a mask you’ve made, planting a seed, or letting the old lady in the supermarket have the toilet paper instead of adding it to your toilet paper mountain at home.
Kindness is an energy to grow and sow at this time. Be gentle with one another. It has the power to change everything.
I love you. Keep going.
Your sister,
Ife Miya
Spiritual side note: In 2019, as the Amazon, the lungs of our planet, burned, we mourned, knowing that in part, we were to blame. Now we watch nature challenge our breath. We owe a debt to nature and humanity and payment is due. This isn’t vengeance, but balancing. We have long forgotten our ability to be stewards of the earth, connected to our mother in a way that includes doing no harm.
And in the wise ways of the universal intelligence, the balance is happening: The events of the last few months have brought us back to many magical old ways. People are planting seeds, taking walks, buying herbs and vitamins. We are reconnecting with old friends. The air, earth, and water is being reborn in part because of the pause in pollution caused by big business, planes and our usual day to day movements.
I feel the stillness and the shifting that is taking place. I also feel the pain of loss all around, as I’m sure so many of you do as well. If this comes up, don’t feel that you need to “do” anything. Just continue to be who you are, and sit with an open heart and mind, as a compassionate ear, or simply a still presence. You will be given your next best move. Be brave. xo
© 2020 Ashley Greenfield