The Vibe 2021

The Vibe, 2021..png

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to the New Year (at least for the Western World),

before we get started take a breath of gratitude with me, for all those who have transitioned to support the evolution of the planet.

(And we breathe in through the nose…and out through the mouth. Good.)

Life in this form, is truly a finite and fragile thing, remember to embrace your loved ones.

Also, know that if all you did in 2020 was make it through, then you’ve done enough.

You are loved, held and supported whether you recognize it or not. Let the energy of 2021 rush over you.

We are at the bridge.


THE VIBE: So let’s get right to it! 2021 is a 5 year numerologically ( 2+0+2+1=5). By my calculations, it is actually a 41/5, which means we are here to shift things up, by fortifying and clarifying the foundation (4) of self(1).

…And now you’re thinking, tell me more…

Of course, love.

This is the season where you will be pushed into opportunities to break out of the sabotaging shell that has held you back from what you’re needed for on the planet. And, my friend, if you do not let that shell go, well, let’s not get into that kind of pain. This year, is here to shift, remove, and reorder the inner baggage and subconscious programming, of ourselves and our world.

I call our friend 5, The Bridge. It is all about Freedom, Growth and Change; moving us from the adolescent building energy of 1-4 into using that energy in the world (5-9). For several reasons, including the fact that 5 is exactly in the middle of the single-digit number line, I like to think of it as the young adult of numerology *smile*. You know, the one that doesn’t quite agree with their parents (the old system), but is still a bit stuck in the ideals and constructs it marinated in growing up (1-4), and isn’t too sure on how to do it differently, although the desire is strongly present. This rebellious energy can push through and grow to change the world, or destroy it.

It is the place where the Mystery (0) joins Form(2) to create (3) change (=5).

41/5 : Change through empower of the True Self

Here’s the breakdown:

2021 (2+0+2+1 and 20+21) = 41/5

These numbers tell me that Balance (2) comes through the empowerment of self (1), through the grace of and focus on, the mystery (0), which will bring greater balance(2), globally. The change the planet is seeking this year is in the underlying patterns of the human psyche. These are deep wounds, and for some, have kept us in generational holding patterns for centuries. This 5 year is here to prod those energies into shifting, for your evolution and the growth of the planet.

Understand, that change is not always beautiful. Actually, it can be a little messy and confusing. Many of you have already started to receive marching orders beginning a few months before the New Year. You know you’ve entered into a different season of life, and this is one that involves you letting go of what you ‘thought’ you knew, and moving into, what feels like, a higher/ more purpose driven life. This ideal often comes with stretching beyond our comfort zones,but know the end result is worth it. Again, we are in the beginning stages of this expansive shift in foundation which will continue into the coming years, so be patient with yourself.

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Isn’t number 5 sexy? It reminds me of a full bellied soldier and his/her 3rd chakra energy of will/manifestation power pushing him/her through the muck. It also carries the balance of the straight directional lines of the masculine and the full voluptuous curvature of the feminine. And, I know no one missed that S-like serpent action.

Understand that the 5 also embodies the energy of Spirit working/manifesting through form. Things with the number 5 are often what energy flows through (you can see this play out in the world, 5 fingers, 5 toes, 5 physical senses, phrases repeated 5 times in the Bible to manifest, etc. too much to go into here.). In its highest form it embraces what it knows from experience (using the physical senses) and the information received from the Mystery (0) to cultivate change and inspire growth.

So this 5 energy is very sensuous and tactile, it will (at least on an emotional level) put you in the muck, so that you can move out of the fear patterns that have held you back and allow the Mystery (0) to work through you.

Let’s not forget that 5 is a virile young adult thang, it wants to explore, create and it has the energy to power through, whether it’s for your upliftment or destruction. If some of us aren’t careful, in this 5 energy, we can get stuck spiraling into placating habits of the past, that appease the senses momentarily, but will cause discord in the long run. Remember, we are young in this new game, we know the desires of our hearts but we don’t have all the steps yet.

One of the bigger mistakes young adults (5) make is moving in their emotions before discerning. They will also (borrowing an old phrase), “Throw the baby out with the bathwater.” and forsake sound information because of how they feel about who or where it derived. They don’t remember that the elders (their parents/grandparents, the systems in place etc.) were not only once much like them, but also live on in them, so they may benefit from the knowledge they hold. Remember, the 5 year, is carrying everything from years 1-4(and beyond). We have been stewing and brewing, cultivating, forming, and tilling, and now we’re at the bridge of our growth, which means some of what we’ve gathered must stay and some must be released.


And now a word about Chakras…

The 5th Chakra is the throat, but energetically, it’s the signal setter, through it, we tell our world how to take form. The 5th Chakra (as my vibrational teacher taught) is connected to the 3rd Chakra. So this year is designed to challenge you and strengthen your will and ability to create, in order to shift your signal and the ways you’ve manifested thus far. This year is all about using the power of your will (3rd chakra) to move through the muck, guided by the mystery(0). Together, the number 41 says this is a period of building foundation (4), through the empowered self (1).

This additionally means:

  1. Pushing through long held and deep-seated fears.

    They are not just coming from you, but from your ancestral line. Held in the fibers of your DNA and reinforced through life experiences, but Spirit is providing opportunities and support (0) in eradicating this energy.

  2. Moving away from your Comfort because you’re being Called.

    This is the year where if you don’t move out of your comfortable discomfort (the net that has kept you safe but never fully alive) it will pain and haunt you for years to come, in ways too icky to talk about here. (I don’t mean to scare you, but I need to make sure I’ve let your fire before the end of this post!)

    My message to you: You’re ready. Use this year to gently move beyond your mental barriers, fail forward if need be. Fall and get up again, with Grace (0), knowing you are supported. The world needs you.

  3. Not allowing situations to overwhelm; instead greeting them with strength and peace. A powerful (wo)man brings awareness into each moment, and chooses from this place.

    One of my spiritual elders reminded me of a Yoruba phrase,

    “Suuru ni baba iwa agbato ni suuru, ohun gbogbo loni.” which means, ‘‘Patience is the epitome of good character, an elder who has patience, has everything.”

    This struck me and deepens my additional message to you all this year; watch your inner young adult (5). Take a breath when things become overwhelming, do not rush to fear or judgement. This will only bring stress, confusion and sometimes ill-prepared response. You have this time to up-level and face some energies, that when overcome, will bring you into an entirely new way of living and being. Before you react, gift yourself a moment of sitting in that patience and calmness of spirit that leads to having everything.

Moving Forward…

I want you to know that I’m excited and nervous for the potential of this year. There are many changes awaiting us, some great, and others…well, far far less great. Remember, freedom and liberation don’t always come easy. There are some changes that are hard won, but to grow from this whirlwind of young energy (5) into the wiser elder versions of the later numbers, you have to go through these experiences, and be shaped by them.

I hate to leave you, but to close out, I want you all to remember some of what 2020 taught us:

  • We are all walking each other home. Life is finite.

  • Tomorrow is promised to no-thing living.

  • We need a lot less than we think.

  • Preparation for the future is a good, and if it’s done with the benefit of the collective in mind, there can be peace and flourishing. If not, well, 2020.

  • Energy, whether it be a virus or anything else, can spread and infect us all. So be aware of what you’re allowing in your space. (Good things are contagious too!)

  • Love others and yourself, today.


Action Steps:

*Rings gathering bell.* Let’s Recap!: This year is about moving forward with awareness of all the nurturing elements that got us here, and cultivating the inner authority that will help us build in the coming years. Some of our attributes will be used and nurtured, and others must be discarded if we’re to enter the season of life we desire.

If you’re into cleansing or different ways of clearing the body, I would highly suggest that. Last year definitely showed us that the power of immunity maybe our saving grace. There are many ways to clear. If you want assistance on clearing the mind and spirit from me, check out my Free New Moon Workbook and if you’re really pumped, order a Personal Vibe Blueprint, and I’ll give you something just for you!

We have many transitioned souls from last year, and as science states, energy can neither be created or destroyed, just altered. So it is my opinion, and those of many elders in this season, that calling on the wisdom of the ancestors that runs through your veins can be a vital force of help and healing. The limitations that you are feeling may come through your line, remember their DNA wrote yours. It does not have to be woo-woo or confusing. I don’t want to go to deeply into it here. But access this energy, even if your daily prayer is simply:

“I call on the wisdom of my wise well ancestors. I ask for eyes to see the gifts and the limitations of my line, as expressed through me; and to be given ways to clear what does not serve; easily and effortlessly, under Grace.”

We can delve more deeply into this in a later blog post.

Above all, my wish is that you move into the energy of your heart. You push past the fears that have held you back and allow your desires to birth. My call is that you open your throat (5th chakra/signal setter) and allow the truth of who you are to pour out into the world.

The world is waiting for you, and not just for your sake, but for the sake of others. Some just need to see you being who you are truly are so they can feel safe enough to do the same.

This is the magic that heals the world.

You’re at the bridge, you have the ability (and my recommendation) to look to the past for strength and healing, and feel into the future.

The love of the Creator is with and within you. May you have the awareness to see it, and if not, may you be surrounded by those that do.

Your sister,


If you haven’t heard it today; we need you, keep going.
— Ashley Miya
Ashley Greenfield