The Vibe 2020
In short: 2020, wow, being a girl born in the 80s, the 2000s felt like a solely Back to the Future concept, but here we are, 20 years in, and what a ride its been! January brought a lot of awareness and shifting in the mind of so any of us. You may find you don’t yet know what to do with all of these new epiphanies. Don’t worry, there is nothing to do, just be still, grounded and ready for the things that will come forward this year to provoke change in the foundation. Consider all of your hurdles and awakenings, as another brick in your new foundation. In the moments where you find yourself in any pain or confusion, ask Spirit to show you the reality of the situation AND the understanding you’re meant to glean.
This year has the opportunity to repair the cracks at the core of the house you were brought to this planet to build. Don’t give up. Go in.
THE VIBE: 2020 is a 4 year numerologically ( 2+0+2+0=4), but we also can’t ignore the power of those double 2s and 0s! The number 4 is all about foundation, and the building of a new structure. The 4 energy is very practical, it supports recognizing that some things just weren’t what they seemed, it wants balance and everything to be as it should be for expansion, and it will dig up and out what is needed so that growth can continue. Together, the number 40 says this is a period of building foundation (4) through the power of the mystery, Spirit or the unknown force (0). The 4 standing alone and strong, tells me this year is going to bring pivotal change for many. Coming after a 12/3 year where we were asked to release old systems and come into balance, the energy of 2020 is here to help us assimilate all the new energy created.
Here’s the breakdown:
We bring into this new year, awarenesses we’ve harnessed/created (3),which will be assimilated and multiplied by the power of the mystery (Spirit/All/God) (0) to help us arrive at a stronger foundation(4) than ever before. The foundation for the change, growth and expansion that is to continue in the coming years.
Imagine: You’re an architect coming to survey a property. The house has appeal, you can see the vision of the creator, the unique warmth and magic of every room. But what is also blindingly obvious are the cracks in the walls, the slanting of the floors, and the ceiling beginning to fail. You send in an inspector and depending on what they find you’ll determine if the overhaul will be minor or major. After all, your dream is the outcome of a more livable and beautiful house that can stand the tests of time.
It’s the same with all of us. Some came into houses with rocky foundations, others have foundations that have been tested by life experiences, and many of us are all of the above. A builder (or rebuilder, in your case) must take everything into account, the soil, the current structure, the damage, and then he/she will get to the work of healing and restoration, from the ground up.
So many of us have spent a lot of time trying to seem better superficially, healing and nurturing the leaves when the issue is in the roots. Things may stay beautiful for a moment, but in the end when the roots are damaged and they go uncared for, the whole plant will fail. Your foundation is your root, and its aspects come not just from the seed, but the soil that you were nurtured in, all of it plays a part.
This year is an uprooting for many. You are more capable to handle this because of your growth in the previous years, but it will bring change that will forever, shift your foundation, so that you can be stronger and more solid for the next stage of your life. You were called higher, and you’re being given the tools to get you there.
Last year (12/3) we realized that our desires were far more expansive than our foundations knew how to hold. For some, this looked like having dreams but no idea how to make them manifest, And/Or feeling like whenever you go to create expansively, you self-sabotage, or something breaks down before you can accomplish what you desire.
On a global scale, we’re seeing the world wanting to heal, but it’s challenging to build a strong healthy house on foundation that was not made to hold it.
So how do we fix this?
The truth is, many of you have already made the first steps. You realize that you can’t grow how you were planted and you’ve been moving into avenues, experiences, etc that will promote the expansion you desire. More so, you’ve been answering the calls or nudges of the Mystery.
I call this the year of Grace, because much of what needs to happen, no one can tell you. Instead it will be revealed, for many of you the first steps have already been uncovered, and the unfolding will only continue.
This is seed reaping time.
So this doesn’t sound too lofty, let me clarify: No, God will not arrive in a cloud of smoke telling you exactly what to do (although if that happens, please write me!) but you will know by the nudges and the tugs that your life will be giving you. It may feel that at times this year, you’re being pulled in one direction or the other. You’re ending up in places or situations you would never imagine (whether ‘bad’ or ‘good’, the key in these situations is to notice the stillness and a clarity that will not come in words, but be ever present. I promise you there is a purpose to all of this ‘confusion’. Many of you have already seen the truth in this!)
You may have a basically great life, but if you want to have the life that has been calling to you, tugging at the side of your mind, you need to let go. It’s time to suspend belief. Remember who you were before you came here, and that involves, on some level, knowing that you don’t know.
Again, this year involves the invocation of Grace.
Grace is the energy that comes from the stillness, it is what comes through you, and for you not, but by no thought. Sacred teacher, Ms. Iyanla Vanzant would say, grace is “The active presence of the love of God.”
I would say, Grace is what comes through you when you let go, when you stop trying to “be” somebody, and you surrender to just being. These are the moments that allow space for your purpose to reveal itself. This is what you’re being called to this year.
The change we’re watching happen to our countries around the world are but a shadow or puppet show, against the bigger picture. In America, our country is at an interesting boiling point. It feels like the calm before the storm. The change that will come is needed and it will shift us in ways we have not thought to imagine. This isn’t a doom and gloom message, it is an eye opening one. Shifts are not sour for everyone, they are however, what they must be, for the collective.
If you’re reading this, then you probably have the eyes to see the change that is coming.
Use these Spring and Summer months to solidify your foundation.(What is being called to completion? What do you feel called to move into, let go of, change?)
Go inside, call on grace to get into the small places the mind can not reach. Talk to the elders and the ancestors. Follow your inner tugs.
Try your best to “go with the flow’ because the truth is many of the things you ‘need’ to do, your old foundation may give you the ability to completely comprehend. You’re going to be moving into many situations on faith and not facts. Let Spirit guide you.
If our foundation is weak no matter what we try to add on top of it, we will never build anything lasting. It will eventually crumble or be unbalanced. So be fortified by the mystery (0) in this season. Suspend your disbelief and fall into the childlike balance(2) of wonder, flexibility and growth, and watch how you’re cultivated(4) for the magical years to come. Peace to you.
So what should I do now? Prepare for the next season (check above for ideas.) Spend time in silence. If you’re a prayer, pray. If you’re a meditator, meditate. If walking in nature is your church, go there. Seek spaces where the mind can rest, and Spirit can speak. Then allow.
Above all else, remember that you are not alone. You maybe the key to someone else’s opening, or the stone in a loved ones foundation, but most importantly know you are valuable in ways unseen in every moment!
If you haven’t heard it today, we need you, keep going.