Re-Membering Ourselves
Who are you?
In many parts of the world, especially with the advance of technology, it is increasingly challenging for us to understand how to be with one another and even more challenging to know how to be with ourselves.
We are afforded the ability, through modern living, to feel somewhat self-sustaining. We think that being physically with someone while emotionally distant is enough.
We make false intimate connections, that should make us feel safe, but often just create more confusion and a weird feeling of aloneness.
In truth, how can you really be with someone when you’ve rarely been with yourself? If, whenever you are alone with you, you distract, with food, TV, drugs, alcohol, other people, spirituality, ‘causes’ (the distraction list is endless).
And, quite often, despite those subconscious efforts to numb and shield, it is hard to get rid of the loneliness, confusion, depression, and shame, that additionally manifest as sickness, alcoholism, obesity, anger, and frustration(to name a few), with these tactics.
“How can you truly and completely be with someone when you’ve rarely been with yourself?”
The reason for this is because this energy is coming from a much deeper, often untouched place.
It is birthed, in part, from the aspect of you that was never allowed to be. The silence you kept that was maddening, your energetic nature that you’ve covered because it was ‘improper’ or not in alignment with the standard. This numbing, forceful, and actually, abusive treatment of the self, breeds disconnection to community and the world-at-large. (After all, why would you truly want to be connected to something that you are subconsciously allowing to suffocate your nature?)
After a period of this, our innate perceptions become skewed and we lean on the belief of the ‘televised collective’ (the ideals that are presented to us, largely through the media.)
But here’s a secret.
Buried deep, under the debris of your past, is the spark,
the remembering of who you were at birth, and who you truly are now.
This place is where your deepest magic lies!
Sometimes, it frees itself briefly, and beautiful inspired creations are born, you are filled with a knowing that you can’t express or a discomfort with everything that is who you’re pretending to be.
This person (the inner you), is veiled with a million potentialities that may have YET to be revealed.
Individual remembering is, to recall who we are as individualized human beings, at this time on the planet, so that from this understanding we can answer the true calling on our lives and form new connections and communities that thrive by the innate gifts of each member.
So, who are you?
What do you yearn for?
How does it feel inside your body?
Do you feel complete in your life?
What makes you feel the most centered and like yourself?
What parts do you keep hidden for the ‘benefit’ of others?
DIG. ASK. Explore yourself deeply.
Nurture and revere the trail-ways of your life.
These are the things you must sit with in order to grow the understanding of your gifts.
These are the things that create your brightest and best self.
Not opening yourself to them will keep you tied to your past, and a slave to your present.
Call. Yourself. Home.
Tell the little person that loved to dance, imagine and play that it’s safe to feel and believe in any direction they choose. Tell them that you are in charge now, and you will keep them safe and make sure they use their power for the benefit of humanity
Now you are the adult, you understand how to do no harm, and also how to let your little person dream. You are the gate keeper, and the safe space. Stay that way (and if you need support with that, find a good counselor, mentor or life coach that can help you set new standards and boundaries for yourself, that don’t stifle, but stabilize your gifts.).
Remembering is a deep process. Many indigenous healing practices are birthed from it and the catalogue of conversation on reconnection of self and the calling back of our true nature, is vast and immense.
As we remember the self at the micro-level, we begin to mend the societal rifts that have plagued the collective, and with the new awareness and outflow of our true nature, we will re-member (bring together again) Our World.